Sunday, June 8, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere

What a terrible amount of rain and strong storms we have had! It is pretty much like clockwork that in the spring we get a good deal of rain and then, as we say it, you can't go through the bottoms. This year's weather has been unreal - cold until the end of May, and the thunderstorms not coming until June. The flood waters have come out everywhere!! This is quite possibly the worst our little town has seen. Here are some photos from my in-laws house.

This first one is taken from the top of the hill over looking the "bottoms" and what used to be farmground. The other is at the bottom of the hill (where the road that turns off beside the river bridge used to be gravel, if anyone remembers that) and the water had since come up higher today when we were there, but I didn't bring my camera to compare. Let's all pray that the rain they are calling for this week misses us!!

I just looked at Sarah Sez and Tracie - if you read this - Do you remember the water being this high at Finn's? I took this from the truck on our way home from Newton today.

1 comment:

Amanda M said...

Oh My...that is probably the highest I have ever seen it. I was in Newton today, but the water had receeded a lot. I pray for the rain to miss all of you!