Friday, June 20, 2008

Jon & Kate + 8

Does anyone else watch this show?? I am hopelessly addicted!! She has it together for having that many kids too! And they are only a few years older than I am!! CRAZY!! I couldn't handle that many kids!!
I just love that little Maddie. Attitude, attitude! Gotta love her, she just wanted one sibling and got 6. Anyway, that is my fav for the moment. I'm sure some other reality show will replace it sooner or later, but for now it'll do!
Ooooh, wouldn't it be awesome if the Duggar's got their own series??

1 comment:

Jess said...

I'm addicted to that show too. Oh by the way, I look at your blog:) he he

P.S Grady is adorable:)