Sunday, January 11, 2009

What a Party!

Grady's party was a blast. I think at one point there were 18 people in our little bitty house! Crazy! Pizza, cake and ice cream later....I was worn out. Grady on the other hand, he didn't go to sleep until after midnight! What??? Does being 4 mean you can stay up that late? Oh, well. We had a great time. Thanks to everyone for the gifts and for being there to help Grady celebrate.

This is the scene right after he blew out his candle. My original plan was to let Grady eat the volcano anyway, but he got to it before I could REMOVE it from the cake. Boys will be boys.


Christina said...

Happy Birthday, Grady!

Did you make the cake???

Aubrey said...

You know I did...not very exciting, but I did.