Sunday, January 4, 2009

Agree to Disagree

I have decided to agree to disagree. There, I am being the better person and saying so.

No more stress. That is my new year's resolution. Quit following me, Stress!!

Now, how do I cope with it when it comes around? Any suggestions.

Yoga? Tried it. I don't think my body is meant to do some of those things. Smoking? NO WAY! Tried that for awhile too. Not again. Drinking? Okay, sometimes. But not for me either. I get too loopy too quickly. Deep breaths? Um, I think I might hyperventilate. Or have flashbacks of being in labor. What's left?

1 comment:

Christina said...

Seriously, something that has always helped me (but apparently I don't do it very often) is exercise. If I have a regular routine like a walk, jog, aerobics scheduled for each day and actually do them, my energy goes up and I get all kinds of good vibes and feel happy.