Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Must Read

Grady and I spent some time at the library yesterday. He wanted to read about dinosaurs and diggers and books with WAY too many words for me to be reading in a quiet voice. So, we did read a few and then picked some out to take home. I came across a book EVERYONE should read. So freakin' funny!! This poor dog reminded me of our dog, Gus. He just farts and stinks and is still happy and wagging his tail. Gotta love that Walter. I saw online there are more Walter books. We might have to scour the library for some more adventures of Walter the Farting Dog.


Sarah D said...

I just posted something about a book series as well.

Reading is HOT in 2009!!

I will look into that book for Jack. He would LOVE it!

Jamee said...

Emily has a Tag and she has a "Walter" book for it. HILLarous, the book actually sounds the farts outloud!!! I laughed so hard.