Friday, January 9, 2009


As I sit her typing away, I am thinking I should be starting Grady's cake. Not much motivation yet this morning. Maybe I should talk to DeAnn about that! (Great motivational post by the way, DeAnn!)

So, I thought about the cake some more and decided to visit cakes from the past 3 birthdays. I have been making Grady's cakes all along. I'm not a Betty Crocker by any means, but I think looking at these has put me in the mood to get busy!

By far, my most courageous cake. I made a practice one for my dad's birthday that year. That was the last time I practiced. I got so discouraged I almost trashed the idea altogether. Grady got his own hay bale to eat. I don't know if he even had a piece of the barn.

On his second birthday, I was working somewhere other than for my dad. This was a last minute kind of cake. I couldn't make up my mind what to do, so this was as creative as it got. I cut so much of the cake off making the number 2 that there was barely enough to go around. I don't think my mom or I either one got any cake for that party.

Last year, McQueen was all Grady talked about. There was no doubt in my mind what I would do for a cake then. The green icing for the infield stained Grady's lips. Oh, well...he looked cute even with green lips.

This year....dinosaurs. Grady has turned into the know it all about dinosaurs. Any time we are surfing through the guide on TV, he asks if there is any dino shows on. The science channel has overruled Nickelodeon. Not a complaint really, but I don't care for either one very much.

Stay tuned....Dinosaur cake is on it's way!


Christina said...

OMGosh! Your cakes ROCK! Seriously! The barn cake.... how did you do it??? Did you have a #2 cake pan for the 2 cake? And the Cars cake... wow! You have talent!!!

Aubrey said...

The barn cake I just saw in a cookbook and went by the picture. The #2 I just cut off big hunks of cake until it looked right. And the Cars....well that one I just kinda threw together!! Talent...not so much. Icing to hide mistakes...that's the way to go! But, Thanks a lot!!

Amber M said...

Those cakes are very awesome!!! You do good work!!!