Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where Did He Get This From?

I took a picture of this incident on my phone, but I have not a clue or the capabilities to get the picture from the camera to the computer.

On with the story...

Last night Chris and Matt went fishing all night and Grady and I went on a "date" to Dairy Queen. When we came home, our neighbor called and warned me in case Grady was sleeping that he would be shooting off some fireworks. My child has not been going to bed this week until 10 or 11!! So, not a problem there.

Grady and I went to get the step stool from my closet, so that he could sit on it by his bedroom window and watch the fireworks. In the process, he got a pair of my high heeled shoes out and clomped around in the living room before finally making it to his own room with them luckily still intact.

Here's the kicker...

Grady: Momma, you know what these are called? (raising his foot for me to see the shoes)

Me: No, what are they called Grady?

Grady: These are fashion models!!

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