Friday, October 17, 2008

Life On Hold

Our lives have been incredibly stressful lately. Just a little recap:

  • My son has been sick and has been puking all over the house.
  • My nephew has been in the hospital with it coming out the other end.
  • My mom has surgery today and again next month.
  • My dad has been having chest pains.
  • My husband is now in full hunting mode and still sees no deer when he's out.
  • My phone will not work well due to some dumbass cutting a line or something stupid.
  • My internet would not work due to the same dumbass.
  • My brakes on my car are making a funny noise.
  • My head is all plugged up and I have sinus pain from all the farming around us.

I don't want any more stress and/or drama in my life. It seems to follow me. I cannot stand it anymore. It seems like people parade themselves around as good people, but then when the going gets tough, they act like they cannot do the RIGHT thing to help you out. I am sick of FAKERS who create all this drama for me to deal with!!

If you are not one of these people, please tell me how I can get rid of all this bull crap!


Nancy said...

Wow.. Sorry to hear about all your bad luck. I don't think I'm one of those people your referring So heres my advice..

Stress/Drama is Bad!! Try not to stress about the things you can't change or fix.
Pray Hard. Remember that God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I know this doesn't help at the moment..but it is true.

Spend some time with people that don't cause stress,try to forget about your problems for a day and have a good time..LAUGH

Of course, you always have to consider the source of your problems. Some people just aren't worth your time to worry about, or to let you get upset over.
Keeping you in my prayers for peace to come soon. Good Luck!!
(sorry for the long post)

Aubrey said...

Thanks Nancy! And, No, since I don't personally know you, none of this was in reference to you!

Christina said...

I hope everyone is starting to feel better. Try not to stress... but I'll be the 1st to say that's easier said than done. Things will get better. Sending *Smiles*

hncfarley said...

Well, I don't have any spectacular advice...unless you are a fan of Miller lite then try that. However, I am laughing pretty hard at your post. That old saying,"When it rains it pours." is so true. Whoever said that had true insight.
Hang in there.