Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rain is a Good Thing

Being from the 'sticks,' it should not come as a surprise that my family is a country music loving one. Chris and I recently went to see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan in concert. Great show, but that is not the point of my post.

Grady has become addicted to singing along with the radio. One of his favorite singers is Luke Bryan. Luke has a new song called Rain. I found the video on youtube so everyone could enjoy. You're welcome. Still not the point.

My point is...while driving to school this morning, it was raining. Grady and I started singing this song.

♫Rain makes corn♫

♫Corn makes whiskey♫

Me to Grady: 'What does whiskey make?'

Grady to Me: 'Whiskey makes the baby in your belly!'

Holy Moses!! I was laughing so hard. If only he knew that it absolutely could have played a part in the baby making. I sure wasn't going to tell him that though. All his class would have thought whiskey is where babies come from.


Scott & Angie Kocher said...

Hey!! Hope your feeling okay! I'm getting ready to order beauticontrol do you need anything?

Jay Dee said...

That is hilarious Aubrey. It is amazing what kids pick up, but hopefully they don't truly understand what they mean.