Saturday, April 10, 2010


It is not a secret. I am anxious to find out if this baby is a boy or a girl. I am currently 13 weeks along and at my last doctor visit the baby's heartrate was 160. The PA I saw said that they may wait for another month or two to do the next ultrasound because of the fact I had one early and my insurance only covers two without additional certification. That got this impatient girl all kinds of anxious.

I have always heard if a baby's heartrate is high (above 140s) it is a girl. Low (140s or below), it is a boy. Grady was always in the 140s. So this got me awful curious.

I did the ring on a string thingy. I thought the whole time...hold still, did I move that, is the back and forth for a boy or is the the circles, does this tell other baby's sex. So not convinced on gender there.

A friend said her stepmom mixed crystal Drano with her pee to tell boy or girl. It was right for her. I'm sure if I went out and bought the stuff, it would be another color debotchery and I still wouldn't know.

Another friend sent me an email with a little math equation to tell me boy or girl. It was a definate answer. Girl. The Chinese gender predictor calendar is a definate answer. It said boy.

This morning I went out on a limb. I boiled red cabbage and mixed the water with my pee to see if it was a boy or girl. Yes, you read that right. I saw it on the internet! It should work, right? Red/pink for boy, purple for a girl. The colors were not as distinguishable as I would have liked them to be. Again, not convinced.

At this point, I can hardly contain my excitement for this pregnancy. I want to know SO BAD if there is a baby boy or baby girl in there! Because, you know I could be buying some girl stuff if that was the case. Or, I could be dragging out Grady's things if I knew this was a boy. I guess I need a hobby or another job or something to keep my mind off of it.

I really don't know how the people who go to the delivery room not knowing do it. I would have to be on some crazy pills if I didn't find out. I want everything done and waiting on me and this baby to come home with gender specific colors ready.

Hopefully, now that I say I have to wait for an ultrasound, this little booger cooperates!!


Christina said...

You crack me up! I wanted to know so badly, too - but knew I'd be skeptical of any at home guestimator. Luckily, I got to find out at 18 weeks. :) Be patient - your next appointment will be here before you know it!

Amber M said...

I would be the same way you want a girl? or not care either way?

Aubrey said...

A girl would be great, but I would be just as happy with a boy. Just as long as I make it full term and the baby is healthy. So cliche, right?

Christina said...

Got baby bump pix to share, yet?

Sarah D said...

I always wondered how those people who don't find out what they are having do it.

I completely understand you anxious state!