Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Persistence Pays Off

You would think with a husband that is a welder, I wouldn't have had to beg for and threaten to purchase clothesline poles. But, the fact is that yes, I really did. It seems that after working so much overtime and well, apparently not having me beg or threaten nearly enough he didn't think I was serious.

I am happy to report that the clothesline poles were finally welded up, painted, set up and are ready for use!! I know, such a ridiculous thing to get excited over. I am trying to save some energy here people!! After 7 loads of laundry, only one went in the dryer over the weekend.

Oh, and I am not the only one enjoying them. Grady has decided that they double as a fire pole.

1 comment:

Kelly R said...

Right there with you Aubrey!! When we built the knew house I begged to get the poles put back up. And to think when I was growing up I begged mom not to hang clothes on the line. She reminds me of this all the time!! Different when you pay the bills not mom and dad!! ;)