Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Vacation?

This past weekend we were supposed to be getting away from reality. Supposed to be taking it easy for a change from the last two weeks worth of events.

Reality came and bit us in the ass!

We loaded up about 10 Saturday morning and headed north to Chicago. Field Museum, Navy Pier, Lake Michigan here we come!

All was well Saturday until after we got back to the hotel from supper and a short trip to see the lake and a brief stop at the Pier. Then comes the reality biting part. I felt horrible. Think not being able to keep either end away from the toilet. It was awful. I was up all night doing one or the other and my stomach was doing flip flops.

We thought we would play it by ear and see if I was better a little later in the morning. That didn't work. I tried to take a shower and ended up almost passing out. Chris had to physically take me out of the shower and put me back in the bed to make that feeling go away.

Needless to say, we didn't end up staying in Chicago any longer. I felt horrible for Grady who had been dying to see dinosaur bones. Oddly enough his only concern was that he didn't get to take a taxi ride.

I slept most of the way home and again for about 4 hours after we got home. I wasn't able to drink or eat and still felt dizzy/lightheaded when I stood up, so Chris made the executive decision to take me to the ER. 5 hours, a bag of IV fluids and $75 later....I feel better. Somewhat better, still a little nauseous when I try to eat.

I still shudder every time I think of what I ate...and if it gave me the bug I had. And if it wasn't anything I ate, what the hell was it??

I would love to go back and do the things we didn't get around to, but right now Chris is not in any way discussing it. I think he thinks Chicago has a hex on him or something.


Christina said...

Oh dear! I hope you're feeling better!

Sarah D said...

Oh Aubrey, that sucks so bad.

I know you were looking forward to your weekend away.

You deserve a second shot at it, hopefully with better results.