Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Blogging is supposed to be theraputic. Somehow, I don't see this helping.

It all started Tuesday morning. I got up to pee and there it was. When you're pregnant not something you want to see.

Yesterday the doctors said my numbers were good and the baby had a heartbeat, low, but there.

Today, the world came crashing in on me.

There was no heartbeat. Nothing. Gone.

So, yes that ends the story of baby number 2.

I am devastated, broken down and feeling like I'm to blame. I know I shouldn't, but being the sole provider for that baby, it's hard not to. I'm not the first person to lose a baby, nor will I be the last.

It just hurts. And I don't see it ending anytime soon.

I think worst of all was telling Grady. He just doesn't know why God took his new baby and wants it back in momma's belly. He has been so sweet to me and knows just when to throw in the I love you's.

We will try again....hopefully with a better outcome.


DeAnn said...

Oh Aubrey...I am without words...hang in there and let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys! Send our love to the Grady and Chris too...thinking of you all!

Anonymous said...

Aubrey, I am so sorry to hear about this. I know that it has to be hard. Im thinking about you!!!

Christina said...

So very sorry to hear about your loss. Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.

Sarah D said...


I am so very sorry. I have no words.

I just hate this for you.


Kocher Family said...

Oh Aubrey, I have no words for you. I can't imagine...take care we are thinking of you and your family.

Ashley said...

Im very sorry to hear that Aub, I wish you and your family didn't have to go through this. If you need some extra T-Bone time let me know. Im soo sorry!

Melissa T said...

Hey Lady, I feel for you babe. I've been where you are at, if you need to vent or talk please get ahold of me.

Dawn said...

Oh no. I don't even know what to say. But please know I'm thinking of you.