Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Little Redneck

Grady badly needed a haircut. Little did I know he would end up with tan lines like these!!!

He is so light complected he just turns red when he gets any sun at all. He got this way while fishing at Granny's yesterday with Tristan.....the fishermen struck gold again, catching 3 catfish and 27 blue gill. Granny was stuck cleaning them all. I think the boys are ready for a fish fry!


Ashley said...

awwww!! Poor Grady! Well Tristans badly burnt!!! He has no "tan lines" though.... apparently he wasn't made to have any clothes on because even his poor bottom is toasted. When I called your brother upset because Tristan was crying because it hurt,Trav informed me that "no tan lines is the style"! Guess Grady isn't hip lol!!

Aubrey said...

Just for the record....Grady only has tan lines on his face. He didn't have clothes on either. Yes, his but is burnt too. Catching fish and swimming in between times doesn't allow time for little boys to bother with clothes. I don't have a problem with the nakedness. I don't think many people do with cute little naked tooshies. Yes, Grady is sore, but it is nothing that won't wear off. Same with Tristan. Grady was much redder when I saw them together. Tristan is a lot darker complected and I think he will tan up just fine.

Ashley said...

Oh yeah! He will be just as tan as Trav soon ;) It really makes me jealous!!