Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend, Hellllloooooo New Guy!!

Like I mentioned earlier this week, Chris would probably have a swell day on his birthday...

Happy Birthday Honey!!

....He did. We are saying goodbye to our old friend Mr. Kawasaki Brute Force.....

.... and a big HELLLLLOOOOO to Mr. Kawasaki Teryx!!!

Ours will be camo like the old 4-wheeler

Great birthday gift to give yourself, huh? Our new addition should be here as early as next Friday. It has to be ordered because the birthday boy just had to have a winch and all the accessories too!!

Congrats on the new buddy, Chris!!


Christina said...

My birthday's in February if you want to get me one, too! What an awesome bday present!

Sarah D said...

OMG I am SOOO jealous.

I want one of those so bad!!

Enjoy it. What a great b-day gift.