Sunday, August 10, 2008


Papa called on Saturday and said that he and Granny had something for Grady and wanted to bring it over. I didn't know what the heck they had....I hate surprises!

A New Big Boy Bike!! No more tricycles here. He loved it so much that he wouldn't quit riding it. We had to bring it inside and keep it at the foot of his bed. He woke up Sunday morning and was already riding it around the kitchen. I had to scrub off black marks from the floor and refridgerator door, but oh, well....

We even took it to Sam Parr for some blacktop roads to ride on. Great spot if you live in the country with little "hard roads" or nothing but gravel. Needless to say, he wore himself out.

What a big surprise for Grady Sawyer!!

Thank you so much Granny and Papa, he loves it!! Now Mommy and Daddy have to come up with something different for his next birthday.

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