Friday, August 21, 2009

Shedding a New Light on Litter

If you are part of the population who is having sex in our state park, please throw away your wrappers. Oh, and the dead soldier you happened to whip off a foot from the trash can might be a good one to throw in too. I feel sorry for the park rangers who have to clean up after you and am in hopes that the state provides them with rubber gloves. My 4 year old is very curious and does not like having the palms of his hands scrubbed repeatedly because of the fact he wanted to know what kind of balloon it was you had left lying there and picked it up to have me inspect it. That is just plain out disgusting. Not only that you had to either have sex in or on your vehicle or the very publicly available picnic table that I will never again use without a tablecloth, but the fact that you left the evidence for God and everyone to see. I hope the sex was worth it, since you obviously wanted the world (or at least Sam Parr) to know you got some.


Sarah D said...

I take small comfort in the fact that at least these folks were using protection.

Sad that they can't make it to the trash can. Happy that they are not creating another litter bug.

Christina said...

LMAO! Great post! Funny stuff!

I agree w/ you 100%! That's gross and disrespectful. Someday (hopefully not too soon) these "kids" doing it in the park will have their own children - and they'll have the same outlook as you, then.