Monday, May 19, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Okay, so personally I think my child is funny. This weekend he told me a couple things that just made me laugh out loud.

The first was after a battle about picking up in his room. He told me something like, "Mom, I can't pick up these things, I have a bad contact that can't see very good." I think he picked that up from Granny, who Friday had to get new contacts because she wasn't seeing very good.

The other was after scrambling out of the tub because he knew he had to go #2. "Well, I guess I don't have to go poop. It was just my imagination."

How funny is that!!


the Queen :) said...

I like your new layout...sorry I stole your old one!

Aubrey said...

I don't mind you stole it... I like to change things up all the time - I might even have a new one next week!