Sunday, May 4, 2008

Here Goes Nothing!

Okay, so it's no secret. I have an addiction to reading other people's blogs. I cannot get enough. I work with my dad and brother, therefore, I hear nothing but manly things all day. Aside from lunchtime when I get to see my mother and my son.

So, I have jumped on the bandwagon! I am now a BLOGGER!! Not just a wannabe, a real life Blogger.

Now, I may need help because I am a little bit internet retarded, but I promise to try to keep up with the Joneses!


amberlindemann said...


Can't wait to see all your cute pictures!!!


Sarah D said...

Congrat and welocome to the blogosphere Aubrey!!

Looks great!

the Queen :) said...

OK, first welcome to is so much fun!! And second I tried for 3 days to try te get my page 3 columns wide and how did you do it? I couldn't figure it out and am so frustrated!!!!