Saturday, November 21, 2009

Football 101

November 3rd was probably one of the best days I have had in a very long time! This was the day that my friend Amber and I traveled to Chicago for Football 101 at Soldier Field. I might add this trip to Chicago was WAY better than the last trip I had there.

First, and foremost....Thank you Amber for asking me if I would like to go with you to this awesome event! It was truly an experience I will never forget and am eternally grateful to you for allowing me to be a part of it with you.
Waiting to get in the United Club....that line was HUGE...Thank God we didn't leave late or get into a traffic jam!

Next......OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! We had the chance to take a tour of Soldier Field, including the Bears' locker room, walk through the tunnel that the players take to get onto the field at home games, stand on the sidelines of the field, get some wonderful goodies to take home, eat some delicious food and most importantly, meet the players who were in attendance, get autographs and chat it up with them. I told Amber if I became a blubbering starstruck idiot to just slap me. That could have came back and bit me in the butt...We met Robbie Gould on the escalator and I said hi, and he said he liked the Ditka jersey Amber loaned me. You couldn't have wiped the smile off my face with a Brillo pad!

Again, kudos to Amber....she won an online auction for us to be able to sit at our very own table (everyone else just had chairs) in the absolute front of the crowd. This honor also allowed us another swag bag, being escorted to the front of the line for locker room tours, and the aforementioned meet and greet. This girl rocks!!

Inside the Bears' Locker Room

On the sidelines of Soldier Field

Staley Bear, their mascot. I see I didn't hide my food very well. Those were some kind of chicken teryaki stuffed dough balls (for lack of better words) that they threw at us on the escalator. Delicious!

Our hero...Robbie Gould. Photo courtesy of Nick Roach.

The actual program informed us on their view of the game. They went through play reviews with each of the players in attendance and talked about what the plays were called and what their job was in each of the plays. Then it was the audience's turn to ask questions, most of which really got the guys going. Some women had some good questions pertaining to football, some not so much. One woman even got up to the microphone and asked, "Boxers or briefs?"

Our view from our seats...and no, I didn't zoom in!

The players in attendance were Brett Basanez and Caleb Hanie, both backup quarterbacks, Nick Roach, linebacker, Earl Bennett, wide reciever, and our favorite.....kicker Robbie Gould! All of the players we got to meet were very gracious and didn't seem to mind the endless autographs and photo ops. And Robbie totally remembered Amber from her previous meeting with him and can't wait to golf with her next year. I haven't mentioned yet, but that Caleb Hanie.....complete hottie!! Agree?

I don't think we got back to Newton until after 1 am. Totally worth the late hours! I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU Amber!! I had an amazing time....and would love to do it again next year!


amberlindemann said...


Thanks again for going with, And it was an absolute blast!

Plan on going with me again next can bet I'll be there.


Sara B. said...

Looks like you girls did have a blast and agree

Mr. Hanie...."HOT"!!

Amber M said...

Yes, I agree he is a hottie and I don't even watch much football.