Thursday, April 29, 2010

75 - 80% Sure

I had a doctor's appointment today. Didn't figure it would be anything more than hearing the heartbeat and asking any questions I had. I was in for a surprise.

The doctor said he thought I was measuring a little bigger than I should be and wanted to know if I was sure about my last period. I said yes and he said he thought I should have an ultrasound. YIPPEE!!

Everything measured right on schedule with my due date and baby's heartrate was 158. Since Chris or Grady wasn't along, I asked the ultrasound tech to put her guess as to the sex of the baby on the picture of her proof and put it in a sealed envelope. That was the longest trip home from Effingham I have ever taken.

When I got home, Chris and I opened it together and the tech was about 75 - 80% sure that Grady will be getting a baby brother!!! We are very excited (with the exception of Grady who wanted a girl so he wouldn't have to share his toys) and happy to say that 4 months has passed without incident and are looking forward to the next 5 going just as well.


Kocher Family said...

So happy to hear things are going well for you! Congratulations to you all!

DeAnn said...

Great news Aubrey...nothing better than boys! Not that I would know any better!

Sara said...

That's awesome news Chris & Aubrey!!!! Gald to hear everything is going great for ya!!

Kelly R said...

Congrats Aubrey! My two nephews are here tonight and they are playing good together right now!!! You will have fun!!

sheryl said...

SWEET!! Congrats!